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Smudging With White Sage
Smudging with white sage is an ancient custom of North American Indians who have used and continue to use this method for clearing unwanted energies. You can purchase dried white sage/sage incense(pure) and sage smudge sticks, in a variety of shops today or you can grow and dry your own white sage.
It's important to clear yourself regularly, and to clear your home and car at least once every 3 months as a normal maintenance procedure. Today most people are exposed to many negative energies in their workplaces, in stores, restaurants, and almost anywhere they go. Anyone can pick up negative energies by just walking around.
People who work in close quarters with others, and this includes teachers, nurses, physicians, therapists, factory workers, energy workers, office workers etc., need to smudge and clear daily. Some of the negative energy carried in one persons aura can easily flip into your own aura, eventually causing illness. Daily smudging is a powerful clearing tool to use on yourself and your office to keep your energy field clear of "accidental" energy transfers.
To smudge just do the following. Take a bowl about 4 or 5 inches in diameter and place a few inches of sand to cover the bottom of the bowl and to protect the bowl from heat. Place a few leaves of white sage on the sand and light the ends or edges of the leaves. Once the leaf is flaming well, blow out the flame and leave the leaf to smoke or if using a Smudge stick/incense blow the flame out use a incense holder and use the same technique as you would if you used the sage leaves,This smoke is what is called smudging. Ensure smudge stick is well extinguished before storing.
Pass the smoke over your head and all around you a number of times. If you are smudging your home, close all the windows and doors and pass the bowl with leaves smoking around each room, into corners, up to ceiling corners, and into closets and cupboards. Leave the doors and windows closed for a few hours. This smudging can dissolve or eliminate many negative and dark energies, entities and spirits from your home. I burn White Sage Incense everyday especially when I am doing readings and healings, or just when I feel I am having a bad day.

Smudging Prayer:
I banish all negative energies from this house with the energy of love and light.

Use white candles because they represent enlighten and will draw in those from the light and they will aid in your prayers to rid of the negativity in your home. While lighting the candle make sure that you state the reason why you are doing this, to rid of evil entities, or negative energies and saying your prayer, those of the light will respond and help you.
Again when you are doing any one of these methods make sure you have the faith and state your intention and keep repeating your prayer of affirmation until you are done. And always give thanks xoxo

Smudging can be done at any time, I will smudge my home when I feel depressed or just out of sorts, as I feel this just clears the energy and also gives myself and my home a calming feeling. And the aroma is beautiful.

Taken from Spirit Guide ecourse. Mystic Guidance and Healing